Eden Hill Farm – Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
BATTA Environmental Associates (BATTA) was chosen to perform a remedial investigation and feasibilities study at the Eden Hill Orchard property, a former peach orchard located in Dover, DE. A prior report of the site revealed that topsoil samples contained arsenic concentrations above the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Site Investigation and Restoration Section (SIRS) approved levels. The elevated arsenic levels were likely due to the past overuse of pesticides when the land was commissioned as a peach orchard. The overall investigation was performed to characterize existing environmental conditions at the site to assess the nature and extent of the arsenic and other contaminants, specifically, to identify the sources of contamination, and ultimately to present the data.
BATTA has been in communication with DNREC throughout its involvement. For the remedial investigation on the 125 acre Eden Hill Orchard property, BATTA’s personnel collected samples of surface soil, shallow soil, deep soil, and groundwater from wells in accordance with the Sampling and Analysis plan (SAP) approved by DNREC. All samples were submitted for laboratory analysis and analyzed by BATTA’s in-house 24/7 laboratories.
Future plans for the site include residential development into 220 individual residential lots, paved driveways, paved parking, sidewalks, and landscaped vegetated areas. The residential units are set to be of different types including multi-family homes, townhomes, duplexes, courtyards, carriages, cottages, community centers, open spaces, and more.

- Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Voluntary Cleanup Management
- Storage Tank Testing & Closure Management
- Brownfield Redevelopment
- Landfill Remediation Management
- Opportunity Zones Redevelopment
- Site Investigations & Feasibility Studies Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Soil Vapor Containment Assessments
- Remedial Investigations and Remedial Actions
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Hazardous Waste Characterizations under RCRA
- Remediation Designs and Implementation
- NPDES Storm Water Sampling