Brownfields Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Oversight for Former Jackson Pit Landfill Site
The Jackson Pit Site (“Site”) is an undeveloped, vacant lot, located southwest of the Town of Lewes, Delaware. The Site is comprised of one (1) tax parcel, #3-34.6.00-504.02, and is approximately 18.3 acres in size. It can be accessed via Mackenzie Way along Plantation Road. The Site is mainly bordered by residential development, except for wooded and crop land to the southwest
Prior to the 1960s, the Site was reportedly used as a borrow pit from which native material was excavated. Afterwards, until the early 1980s, the pit was used as a dump for municipal or household waste. In the 1990s, the DNREC Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch permitted the disposal of tree stumps, lumber, and masonry materials on the Site. Subsequently, the Site was graded with sand and gravel. For many years, access to the Site was not restricted, so it was subject to illegal dumping.
The Site is a certified Brownfield Site and the property owner, Mid-Atlantic Communty Partners, Inc., are in the process of site remediation and redevlopment for residential use with an apartment and townhome community.
BATTA provided services for the following main steps to complete the Brownfields Redevelopment for the site:
- Remedial Investigation into Poly-aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) “hot spots”
- Remedial Action Implementation and Oversight spanning 18 months of full-time site presence
- Monitoring for methane gas from former landfill; fenceline dust monitoring, develop soil reuse plans
- Remedial Action Completion Report
- Request for DNREC Certificate of Cleanup Remedy
- Long-Term Stewardship and O&M Plan
BATTA’s scope includes management services for the following:
- Health and Safety Plan (HASP)
- Daily oversight and management of remedial activities
- Enforcing site-specific health and safety protocols
- Sampling of soils as needed for incoming fill and contaminated areas
- Airborne dust monitoring and measurements, and recording of all daily activities, work locations, soil movements