Rebuild Philadelphia

Rebuild Philadelphia is an investment in neighborhood parks, recreation centers and libraries mainly funded by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax. The Rebuild projects are mainly focused on sites that are in neighborhoods with high rates of poverty, crime and health risks as well as neighborhoods where Rebuild could help stabilize or revitalize the community. Rebuild will invest hundreds of millions of dollars to:

  • Improve and beatify public spaces
  • Empower and engage communities
  • Promote diversity and economic opportunity in the design and construction industries

BATTA was honored to be able to partner on the Rebuild Philadelphia project and offer our services to help move the projects forward. BATTA was able to conduct an assessment and report on the Environmental conditions of multiple sites that were part of the Rebuild Philadelphia program. Our Environmental scientist was able to assess the interior and exterior of all specified buildings for suspect Hazardous Materials including asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), PCBs, stored chemicals and regulated universal wastes. We also performed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments to identify Environmental concerns and risks which allowed us to create risk mitigation strategies to address those issues. Overall we were able to ensure the safety of everyone working on the Rebuild projects as well as all the children and families that will enjoy the finished sites for years to come.

Some of the sites we’ve been able to collaborate on include:

  • MLK Community Recreational Center
  • Vogt Recreation Center
  • Finnegan Recreation Center
  • Vare Recreational Center
  • Chew Fields
  • McVeigh Recreational Center
  • Athletic Recreational Center
  • Mander Playground
  • And More!


You can check out Rebuild Philadelphia here: Rebuild | Managing Director’s Office | City of Philadelphia

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