Project C.O.R.E. (Pre-demolition IH Surveys) and Drinking Water sampling for Baltimore City Public Schools
Project C.O.R.E. (Pre-demolition IH Surveys) + Drinking Water sampling for Baltimore City Public Schools
In September of 2020, BATTA Environmental Associates was awarded a task order under a contract with the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA). The task order involved conducting pre-demolition inspection and testing services at 14 sites and 64 locations throughout the City of Baltimore. The aim of the project was to identify asbestos, lead, and other environmental hazards in various properties across the city. These reports were to be used to develop in-depth remediation plans for each property so they could be cleared before the demolition took place.
As part of the project, BATTA Environmental Associates, in partnership with MSA, provided water sampling and analysis to more than 177 Baltimore City Public Schools. The scope of the work included sampling site selection, sample plans, water testing management plan, sample collection, and reporting. Our Project Managers scheduled testing, analyzed results, and made recommendations to the school district and MSA.
BATTA prepared a professional Lead and Copper Water Sampling Report, which included a detailed Sampling Plan, Sample Collection Activities, and Results, including 90th percentile concentration and Conclusions. The report aimed to ensure that Baltimore City Public Schools were in compliance with the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule.
BATTA Environmental Associates' scope of work included the following:
HAZMAT Surveys
BATTA Technicians aimed to identify all environmentally hazardous materials located in and on the residential structure and surrounding lot including asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), and other hazardous materials regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), or the Universal Waste Rule (UWR). The hazardous materials inspection was in support of future plans to demolish the structure. Creative and safe removal methods were used.
Site Assessments and Pre-Demolition Hazardous Material Surveys
The BATTA team was responsible for performing Site Assessments and Pre-Demolition Hazardous Material Surveys. This included submitting a report of the findings to be used by the MSA as the basis for procuring abatement and demolition services. The report identified asbestos, lead, and other hazardous materials found on-site and provided recommendations for disposal of these materials. BATTA Environmental Associates also identified materials that could be targeted for deconstruction, salvage, or recycling.
Air Monitoring/Sampling
The BATTA team supported MSA in selecting a qualified abatement contractor to perform the remediation services necessary before demolition could take place. Our team then worked with the demolition contractor by conducting environmental air monitoring/sampling during the demolition and debris removal process in accordance with the contract documents. Air monitoring responsibilities included performance of dust fall monitoring (in accordance with APHA Method 502 as modified by Farfel et al.) and wind speed monitoring performed in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Water Sampling and Analysis
BATTA's scope included supporting the MSA, Project CORE, and more than 177 Baltimore public schools to be in compliance with the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule. Our certified MDE water samplers first conducted a sample site plan meeting to select which locations were particularly susceptible to high lead or copper concentrations. BATTA personnel worked with school representatives to review applicable sources of information, such as plumbing drawings, maintenance records, and other historical documentation. Selected locations were sampled, and water was drawn per the Lead and Copper Rule Collection procedures. Our field technicians performed water flushing, sample collection, and delivered samples to the MDE Certified testing laboratory. They also visited schools to conduct water sampling and coordinated with school representatives to ensure access to the tap(s) and to leave the tap(s) unused for at least 6 hours before sample collection. Final reports detailed the Sampling Plan, Sample Collection Activities, Results, including 90th percentile concentration, and Conclusions.
Laboratory Services
BATTA Environmental Associates' environmental consulting services were supported by our in-house accredited environmental laboratory throughout the duration of the work. This allowed our team to complete surveys and reports efficiently, without requiring the chain of custody to leave our team. BATTA is pleased to have completed this work on time and within budget.
BATTA Environmental Associates' pre-demolition inspection and testing services for the City of Baltimore aimed to identify and mitigate environmental hazards in various properties across the city. Through the use of creative and safe removal methods, comprehensive inspections, and thorough water sampling analysis, BATTA contributed to making Baltimore a safer and healthier place to live.
- Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Voluntary Cleanup Management
- Storage Tank Testing & Closure Management
- Brownfield Redevelopment
- Landfill Remediation Management
- Opportunity Zones Redevelopment
- Site Investigations & Feasibility Studies Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Soil Vapor Containment Assessments
- Remedial Investigations and Remedial Actions
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Hazardous Waste Characterizations under RCRA
- Remediation Designs and Implementation
- NPDES Storm Water Sampling