Lead RRP Certification Initial (Newark, DE – Embassy Suites)
From: $295.00
Product Description
8 Hour Course
Lead Renovator Certification Initial Course
As of April 22, 2010, anyone who performs renovations, repairs, or painting in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities must be Lead-Safe Certified by the EPA or an EPA-Authorized state. Individuals and firms that are not certified could face fines of up to $37,500 per day.
This Lead Renovator (RRP) Initial Certification course is 8 hours in length and includes lead safety training approved by the EPA or applicable EPA-Authorized state program. Any contractor performing qualifying work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities must employ at least one Certified Renovator who has successfully completed this training. Companies must also process an application to become a Lead Safe Certified Firm. After taking this 8 hour course and passing a brief exam you will receive your certification.
The EPA requires individuals from these firms to get certified, and participate in a re-certification (refresher) course every 5 years. Firms working in the state of Delaware must participate in a refresher course every 2 years! EHS Institute offers EPA certified lead-based paint Renovation, Repair, Training initial courses (8-hour) and refresher courses (4-hour) on a monthly basis.
Class Location:
2025 Classes
Embassy Suites
654 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19713
8:00am - 5:00pm