Batta Environmental Associates, Inc. (BATTA) has been contracted with the City of Philadelphia, Department of Licenses and Inspections to conduct Pre-Demolition Asbestos Investigation Services for the City’s Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) and Curbside Projects. During the project, BATTA works under the direction of the City to provide Asbestos Investigative and Asbestos Project Inspector Services. For properties that are scheduled to be demolished and do not have an Asbestos Investigation Report (AIR), BATTA provides Asbestos Investigation Services. BATTA’s Asbestos Investigators (AI) conduct survey and sampling activities in homes throughout the City. BATTA investigates properties for suspect asbestos-containing materials and surveys properties to the fullest extent possible (depending on condition of the property). All bulk samples are then analyzed at BATTA’s in-house laboratory which is accredited and certified by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), and American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).
After completion of Investigative activities, BATTA prepares AIR reports indicating asbestos-containing materials, quantities, and locations. All reports are forwarded to the City for use in scheduling of abatement/demolition activities. For properties with asbestos materials, BATTA maintains onsite Asbestos Project Inspector (API) presence during the abatement process. The API enforces the Philadelphia ACR and collects air quality assurance samples. Analytical reports inclusive of activities and samples results are prepared and sent to L&I for review.